ELaine juice hikingAbout 2 years ago I fell in love with hiking! More adventures for this city girl from New York. Nevin and I often go on what we call our “adventures”.

Nevin usually plans them so  more often than not, they include outdoor activities that are sometimes more difficult than I expect.

Since we live in Virginia, right outside of Washington, DC, the Potomac River and surrounding mountain areas provide amazing opportunities. So we head out  towards waterfalls and river stops. Yes, this often means steep terrain.

Having enough energy is key and can actually make or break any activity.

Alkaline water and green juice are the best ways to have an abundance of energy!

Did I mention that I am really afraid of heights?


My theory is “If I am strong enough to beat Stage IV cancer naturally, I can certainly conquer this too”. Turns out I really love hiking, even when I am afraid. 

One of the most important things we can do in pursuit of disease prevention and correction naturally is to live an alkaline rich lifestyle. To achieve optimal health,  green juice and alkaline water are paramount.

As you probably know by now, green juice is my favorite food. This may actually sound crazy but once you are here in your health journey, your body makes it very clear what it needs to keep you vibrant and filled with ENERGY…. our topic for this raw recipe post.

My body energy and immunity love this……BTW, so does my scale! Healthy, 28 pounds lighter and 4-5 sizes smaller, I am loving this life. 

It’s not often convenient to take in a sufficient amount of fruits and veggies in a day. I know that for me, it’s much easier to grab a handful of kale and spinach, along with whatever else I have handy,throw it in a juicer or blender with a little coconut water, than to sit down and prepare a salad with the same ingredients. Many vegetables like chard, spirulina, and barley grass have obtained superfood status, as more evidence appears showing their ability to slow down the aging process and fight free radicals that cause cancer.

I have learned that I get a bigger variety of fruits and vegetables (mostly vegetables) in my diet when I juice. And it’s exciting coming up with all sorts of creations that appeal to my palate and address very specific concerns that I have.

I want to make it very clear that I advocate very little sugar, including fruits. Cancer cells need sugar to survive. 

Please remember that fruits are a treat. Balance them out with the 80/20 rule. For every serving of fruit you have, you need 4 servings of alkaline green vegetables.

Check out the video with me and Dr. Eric Etka for greater understanding.

When you’re hungry, you’re hungry, and you may not think that a cup of juice is going to fill you up and sustain you until your next meal. These mixtures will pack in the vitamins and minerals, and leave you satisfied without packing on the pounds.

Be sure to remember your new friend 80/20 and use the juices with fruit as a treat.

Here are 4 great juice blends to up your energy level.
Elaine’s Tasty Tip:

Although the optimal way to consume green juice is immediately after it is created, the reality is that it is not always possible. When storing for a few hours or taking it on the go, fill a glass jar to the top and add a bit of fresh lemon. You will be good to go for hours.


Energy Filled Juice #1
Author: renewedlivinginc.com/recipes
  • Carrot
  • Beet
  • Green apple
  • Ginger
  1. Wash all produce in alkaline or spring water.
  2. Put through juicer and enjoy.



Energy Filled Juice #2
Author: renewedlivinginc.com/recipes
  • Green apple
  • Celery
  • Coconut water
  • Kale
  • Lemon
  1. Wash all produce in alkaline or spring water.
  2. Put through juicer and enjoy.



Energy Filled Juice #3
Author: renewedlivinginc.com/recipes
  • Carrot
  • Coconut water
  • Pear
  • Beet
  • Cinnamon
  1. Wash all produce in alkaline or spring water.
  2. Put through juicer and enjoy.



Energy Filled Juice #4
Author: www.renewedliving.com/recipes
  • Beet
  • Romaine
  • Carrot
  • Kale
  • Coconut water
  • Green apple
  • Pear
  1. Wash all produce in alkaline or spring water.
  2. Put through juicer and enjoy.

When drinking juices, whether it’s out at great juice bar or at home, remember to listen to what your body is asking you for, choose the freshest ingredients possible, and most importantly, enjoy !

To help you on your our journey, we have selected some very good books, juicer options and Permacharts for your convenience.


Please use the comment section below to share your thoughts and ideas. We LOVE hearing from you!

In health and gratitude,

Elaine & Nevin

P.S. Before I forget, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and are serious about getting clarity and focus to create the life you desire and deserve, let’s schedule a Find Your Focus 15 minute complimentary call.

CLICK HERE and let’s talk.

P.P.S. If you have enjoyed this information and can think of someone that would be well served to receive the information, please share.