You’re Invited!!!

It’s my birthday and I am throwing a Smoothie Party that will last 7 days!!!

Join us for a
with yummy smoothies,
prizes and surprises.

May 13 – May 19

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unfocused?
Are you ready for lasting, healthy changes but don’t know where to start?
Are you ready to thrive + feel vibrant?

Green Smoothies are a fabulous gateway to health + a stepping-stone
to creating lasting changes to your overall health and wellbeing.

Join us for the
7-Day Green Smoothie Challenge.

For 7 days, we will begin incorporating Green Smoothies into your daily life.

Some benefits of Green Smoothies include:

Aids in digestion


Effortless way to have your fruits + veggies daily

Mental clarity

Weight loss

Reduce cravings

Quick + Easy

Are you ready?

Join us today + take back your health