Our Story
Hello, my name is Elaine Gibson and I beat stage IV cancer without traditional protocols! Now I share my hard-won lessons so you too can lose weight, have more energy, create and renew optimum health. Recently, I have been prominently featured during International Raw Food Day 2013, 2014, 12 Days of Raw Christmas, G O RAW! and Integrated Health Magazines.In addition I was cited as one of the 10 Most Inspirational Natural Cancer Survivors by Extreme Health Radio, Cure 2 Cancer Conference speaker and part of the important Quest for the Cures documentary series. This fall I was interviewed for the Cure to Cancer Conference Tele summit along with Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Gabriel Cousens. I am thrilled to be prominently featured in VA Woman and a contributing author to the newly released book “Don’t Waste My Cancer” Today not only am I an Extraordinary Health Coach and Disease Prevention Expert., author, sought after coach, and speaker, I am most proudly a green juicing lovin’ grandmother!
My Journey
Right before Thanksgiving Day, 2001 I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. While it was terrifying news at first, the cancer was early-stage, localized and the prognosis was good.
Having learned everything I had over the years, I knew that traditional medicine was not the road for me.
Instead, I packed up and went to Mexico for a treatment plan I could trust. By May of 2002 I was declared free of lymphoma and officially in remission.
Life carried on as usual. Nevin and I returned our focus to growing the business, taking care of our family and each other. Today we have five children and twelve grandchildren. In the meantime, I believed I was living a healthy lifestyle and doing everything I could to keep the cancer at bay.
Just over six years later, I began to notice things changing in my body. Little things, nothing major, but enough to get my radar up. I went through a series of tests over 2 months to make sure everything was alright.
It wasn’t.
The cancer had returned. My body was riddled this time; Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
My Discovery
Looking back now, there are two key steps I took immediately that ultimately saved my life:
I never, for one second, believed that I was going to die. Not for one second. I trusted that God had a plan for me even if that plan would not be revealed for some time. And I knew I would live to see this plan out.
I took complete control over educating myself about our bodies and our health. I looked under every rock, leaving no stone I could find unturned, until I finally did know much more than I had known before.
Here’s what I learned. It is the secret formula to prevention, vitality and youth:
This experience led me to a bigger vision and now I am certified as a Raw Food Educator and Chef.
To function properly, every cell in our body needs an alkaline and oxygen-rich environment.
This could be considered the fountain of youth. Seriously. It is so important it bears repeating:
To function properly, every cell in our body needs an alkaline and oxygen-rich environment.
Got it? Good. Please don’t ever forget it.
If everything you do throughout the day is for the sole purpose of creating an oxygen-rich, alkaline environment for your body’s cells, your body can begin to heal itself in ways you can’t even imagine.
This can even reverse the body’s aging process.
Something else I discovered during my journey: In choosing health, I had to learn and go from place to place when my body was toxic.
Our Future
My mission is to to create a place to fill that gap
A place where people can:
Find good vital information in one spot.
Explore new ideas, discover technologies and begin to reclaim their vitality and youth.
Learn how to make simple small incremental changes as they move towards a healthy lifestyle.
Create this lifestyle at home, in the office and on the go.
A Place Called…Renewed Living
I want you to have total control over your health and wellness.
Throughout this site you’ll find tons of valuable information about the latest technologies, discoveries and news. I’ll share with you everything I learned during my experience with cancer and the road back to health. I’ll continue to share updates and more as I continue my personal dance of discovery.
I’m probably the healthiest person you know right now. Let me show you how I got here.
Also, I absolutely love to connect so feel free to send me an email with any questions or comments you may have: info@renewedlivinginc.com
I am honored and humbled that you are here. I want to see you dance vibrantly, youthfully, in your own unique style. This is my dream for you.
As someone who holds a Master’s degree in education and dance, I often picture life through a choreographer’s eye. I want to see you move through your personal dance of discovery, of reclaiming your health and living in a pollution and toxic free environment. True prevention and wellness takes place from the inside-out and outside-in.
“I want to see you dance vibrantly, youthfully, in your own unique style.
This is my dream for you.”
With Love and Gratitude,
Elaine & Nevin Gibson
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