The Box of Extraordinary
Your must-have starter kit for Clean Eating
and the Extraordinary Lifestyle.
Hi, I am Elaine Gibson,
I beat Stage IV Cancer without traditional protocols!
I walked a hard road learning the truth about health and vitality while fighting Stage IV Cancer. It became clear that my lifestyle choices, the ones I thought were healthy, had put my body on the path to disease. By changing my choices, I changed my health and opened a new path for my life.
Today I am bringing all of my knowledge and personal experience to the table so you can lose weight, have more energy and renew your health without the hassle. Once I began making healthy changes I lost 28 pounds and dropped 4-5 sizes.
Join The Lifestyle
Look and Feel Extraordinary!
There’s something in the air… people like you, like me, who are just tired of the world piling the same processed, unrecognizable pre-packaged “food” into our bodies and feeling terrible – plagued by fatigue, illness, even diseases.
We know there’s a better way out there, it’s just knowing how to change that eludes us…
Kick-start your Extraordinary Life with the Box of Extraordinary, your ultimate starter kit for Clean Living and the Extraordinary Lifestyle!
I’ve been where you are, and I’ve broken away from the madness of conventional modern living. My health is better than ever, my body and mind function at a higher capacity, and my taste buds are in love with this new way of eating.
You can have the same boundless energy, amazing health and new-found appreciation for life that I have…
And the best part? You don’t even have to spend months doing the research like I did, because I’ve done it all for you!
What’s in the Box of Extraordinary?
The Box of Extraordinary is your unique, one-of-a-kind starter kit for a life lived in health and joy. It’s got everything you need to start enjoying Clean Eating and Living, the way Nature intended. Are you ready to step into the world of Extraordinary Living and create the life you are meant to live?
The Box of Extraordinary includes:
* Ion Pod Alkalizing & Energizing Stainless Steel Water Bottle! – clean and purify the water you drink, fill yourself with good, natural water. (Value $49.99)
Without water, life could not exist – we could not exist.
Most people drink nowhere near enough water and the water they do drink is oxidizing, acid (low pH) and can contribute to weight gain, fatigue and premature aging. Today, acidity can increase due to improper eating and drinking habits. You will be amazed at how fabulous you look and feel when acidity is no longer ruling your body.
*Three Permacharts are a beautiful, laminated and a great source of reliable information that will guide you along your journey of discovery. Each Permachart is researched and prepared by a Subject Matter Expert. The content that is easy-to-read, easy-to-understand and easy to use.
(Value $24.00)
* Fresh Air Focus air purifier, to get rid of those pollutants and toxinsyou’re breathing in. Hampers, trash cans, diaper pails…they’re alldesigned to store smelly stuff. How do you stop them from smellingup the whole room? The answer is to take one of nature’s mostpowerful deodorizers and target the very source of the problem;to literally focus what keeps fresh air fresh, and bring it indoors. Nosprays, no perfumes – just nature. (Value $79.99)
* Nut Bag to help you create your own delicious, refreshing, nourishing nut milks. Finest quality nylon material makes the bag tear resistant to last long. Once you begin with a basic almond milk recipe you can begin to experiment with flavors and different nuts. Save time and money while enjoying this fresh fabulous treat.
Squeezable with both hands unlike the smaller bags makes it the best almond milk maker, vitamin blender juicer and cold brew coffee maker.
Eco-friendly nut milk bag has no dyes or chemical additives;Also, there are no pulp residues left after washing.(Value $5.99)
* Extraordinary Living Sprouting Jar Lid so you can begin to create living foods in your own kitchen. (Value $9.71)
And now, brand-new in the Box of Extraordinary, these bonus items:
* Three Essential Oils. Learn how to use these to create your personal sacred space, clean and purify your life and embrace the natural, wholesome way to live. (Value $26.67)
* Cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces
* Naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion
* Supports healthy respiratory function
* Promotes a positive mood
* Widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities (sleep like a baby!)
* Soothes occasional skin irritations
* Eases feelings of muscle
* Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
* Alleviates stomach upset
* Increase energy
45 Uses for Your Essential Oils Introductory Kit
Renewed Living Lifestyle Support eBook with 45 Uses for Your Essential Oils Introductory Kit. Learn to love and use them immediately.
Renewed Living Clean Eating Program
The 14-day clean eating system designed with real foods & simple steps that will changeyour life forever. The simple techniques of clean eating, moving your lymphatic system and eliminating toxins can literally save your life – That is what happened to me! (Value $97.00)
This program is a flawless fit for anyone who wants to:
* Ditch the afternoon crash and burn (you can make it throughthe workday without coffee or sugary snacks. Promise!)
* Lose weight naturally and quickly
* Look younger and feel lighter
* Reduce your toxic load (and the extra pounds it keeps on)
* Crank up your metabolism, big time!
Get your Box of Extraordinary now and begin your journey to Clean Living and the Extraordinary Lifestyle today!
Box of Extraordinary, including the bonus
essential oils and clean eating program:
Total value $293.35
Your investment just $199.99
Click here to order yours now!
Click here to order yours now!