
24 08, 2021

6 Types of Leafy Greens to Enjoy

2021-08-18T04:49:29-05:00Healthy Living, Solutions, Tips|

We know that salads and leafy greens are beneficial for us, but which ones are the best? Not all leafy greens are equal when it comes to nutritional content, and I'm going to break down a few and dive deeper into which ones pack the biggest punch. Here are the top leafy greens to incorporate into your diet and how to prepare them. Why are [...]

2 02, 2021

7 Eating Tips to Maintain Balanced Blood Sugar Levels

2021-02-02T17:10:13-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Meals, Snacks, Weight loss|

Whether you have prediabetes, type 1 or 2, or simply want to be mindful about staying as healthy as possible, choosing the right foods can help you keep proper balance with your blood sugar. When you keep these levels on an even keel, you'll feel fuller for longer without going into blood sugar crash territory. A typical misconception is you need to avoid sugar to [...]

3 06, 2020

4 Healthy Late Night Snacking Ideas

2020-11-29T13:40:55-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Hydration, Meals, Snacks|

If you're anything like me, a late-night snack can sometimes call me. Often snack foods can be less than healthy and choosing  those before you turn in for the night could lead to a habit that creates havoc in our bodies, interrupts sleep and shows up in ways we are often experiencing that can present larger challenges. While I am very intentional in the choices [...]

10 10, 2016

3 Tips for Healthy Snacking

2018-08-15T08:05:23-05:00Alkaline, Healthy Living, Snacks, Tips|

There’s a fine line between waiting too long between meals and snacking all day to curb your hunger. Waiting too long can cause you to overeat during your mealtimes because you’re ravenous – and grazing all day can lead to mindless or habitual eating that could cause overeating, especially when you’re still eating full meals at meal times. The goal is to figure out your [...]

28 04, 2016

5 Oils I Will Not Leave Home Without

2018-08-15T08:05:25-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Tips|

As I began to learn more about how to support my health and immune system, while fighting for my life to beat Stage IV Cancer without traditional protocols, I discovered essential oils. These gems from nature are a perfect addition to my alkaline water and green juice as integral parts of my lifestyle.       Since I believe that a plant based alkaline and oxygen rich [...]

23 11, 2015

Not to be Missed Roasted Vegetables

2018-08-15T08:05:26-05:00Alkaline, Drinks, Healthy Living, Meals, Recipe Videos|

The holiday season can be filled with excitement, wonder, parties and yes, stress! In times of stress, I always turn to my two most important areas of my alkaline lifestyle: green juice and alkaline water. Being aware that sugar is a real no-no for disease prevention, and everything else, finding ways to support ourselves is key. Tis the season to stay healthy and increasing both [...]

3 06, 2015

What I Think About All Day Long!

2018-08-15T08:05:27-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Drinks, Healthy Living, Tips, Weight loss|

Previously, I have shared that my mornings begin with a cup of warm alkaline water with lemon and cayenne pepper. While this is still true, I am realizing that it is just not enough. It is not just about the wonderful warm water for my body, but rather about setting intentions for a wonderful vibrant day for my soul. It is very easy for me to [...]

30 10, 2014

Each Day is an Invitation

2018-08-15T08:05:28-05:00Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Tips|

What is the true secret to vibrant health and well-being? Isn’t that just the age-old question that we can make ourselves crazy trying to find the answer to, when maybe there isn’t an answer at all? With all of the fad diets, “magic” cures and quick fixes shoved in our faces everyday, how do we know what to believe and what information to trust? How [...]

25 04, 2014

Start With Three Appliances

2018-08-15T08:05:29-05:00Alkaline, Healthy Living, Tips|

Building your alkaline lifestyle habits is easier than you think! Time to get your kitchen organized and ready to create new fabulous and easy recipes you can begin with today. Embarking on a new journey can be overwhelming. Many think “Oh no, now I have to go out and spend a great deal of money on new equipment and appliances.” Guess what, not true. Actually [...]

17 04, 2014

Mock Salmon Pate

2018-08-15T08:05:29-05:00Alkaline, Healthy Living, Meals|

Think living an alkaline high raw foods lifestyle is boring? Try mock salmon pate! Once I learned how to beat my stage IV cancer without traditional protocols, this way of living became our way. Raw food recipes can be so delicious and easy, as well as healthy. Although I include nut recipes as an exception, I do enjoy them. This particular mock salmon pate is [...]

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