
21 09, 2020

6 Healthalicious Fall Foods You Will Love

2020-11-29T13:15:10-05:00Healthy Living, Tips|

In every season, it’s best to eat the foods that are in season. Fall is no exception, and while plenty of people go pumpkin-crazy (especially in the form of lattes), there’s so much more to the autumn harvest. Choosing the right seasonal fall foods helps you get nutrients your body needs, plus you’ll stay on track with healthy options that taste great and make you [...]

6 05, 2014

Zucchini Pasta and Watermelon Salad


Following an alkaline oxygen rich lifestyle began as I was looking to remain cancer free. Understanding that this is a solid foundation for disease prevention, weight loss, increased energy was the catalyst. Now it is an excuse to have a ball creating fun new raw food recipes as I add to my collection.             Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) is a popular [...]

23 06, 2013

Festive Cauliflower Salad

2018-08-15T08:05:33-05:00Meals, Recipe Videos|

Please use the comment section below to share your thoughts and ideas. We LOVE hearing from you! In health and gratitude, Elaine & Nevin P.S. Before I forget, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and are serious about getting clarity and focus to create the life you desire and deserve, let's schedule a Find Your Focus 15 minute complimentary call. CLICK HERE and let's talk. P.P.S. [...]

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