
24 08, 2021

6 Types of Leafy Greens to Enjoy

2021-08-18T04:49:29-05:00Healthy Living, Solutions, Tips|

We know that salads and leafy greens are beneficial for us, but which ones are the best? Not all leafy greens are equal when it comes to nutritional content, and I'm going to break down a few and dive deeper into which ones pack the biggest punch. Here are the top leafy greens to incorporate into your diet and how to prepare them. Why are [...]

29 06, 2016

Surprising Beauty Foods

2018-08-15T08:05:24-05:00Alkaline, Blog Videos, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Snacks|

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain magical powers when it comes to shiny hair, clear skin, and strong nails. I’ve chosen five wonderful foods that will  help you look and feel extraordinary below that are perhaps not as well known for their powerful beauty benefits. While focusing on beating Stage IV Cancer without traditional protocols, I discovered that foods have certain roles to play. My high [...]

23 10, 2012

3 Delicious Superfood Smoothie Recipes


When I want to give my body the most nutrient-rich, life-giving foods, I reach for “superfoods.” These special gifts from nature offer many more benefits that just fuel for my body. Superfoods are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other plant-based foods that provide the human body with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as phytonutrients that go above and beyond simply feeding our cells. Superfoods [...]

11 05, 2012

How Your pH Determines Your Overall State of Health

2018-08-15T08:05:36-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living|

Only through personal experience or self-education will you be able to discover all-encompassing health truths such as the inevitable connection between the quality of our air, water, food and our overall state of health. This is something that I myself had to painfully learn through my bouts with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I learned that you should not suppress symptoms but treat the underlying cause of disease [...]

12 04, 2012

Why Digestive Enzymes Are Vital To Your Health

2018-08-15T08:05:36-05:00Healthy Living, Tips|

Unlike chlorophyll most of us have heard of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are one of the current buzz words flying around in nutrition today, but what are they? Digestive enzymes are simply proteins which make good digestion possible. Life, much less digestion couldn’t exist without these enzymes. Without enzymes we would die and without enzymes we couldn’t digest, much less absorb the nutrients we need [...]

21 02, 2012


2018-08-15T08:05:37-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living|

I know the dark, green leafy plants I discovered on my path to healing are the most beneficial foods for my health; but why are they the best things I can eat or drink? Chlorophyll is one of the components responsible for the health-promoting qualities of greens.  It’s what makes green plants green, the result of a process known as photosynthesis, the conversion of sunlight [...]

10 02, 2012

Why Green Juicing?

2018-08-15T08:05:38-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Hydration, Weight loss|

Green Juice : Your New BFF!! Green juicing can be thought of as juicing for life, for bringing back the vitality and youth you once had. The benefits derived from juicing greens are truly miraculous from a nutritional and health standpoint. The reasons we juice can be as individual as we are. Losing weight, cleansing the body, regaining health and healing from disease are what [...]

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