
22 12, 2020

7 Ways You Can Stop Wasting Food in Your Kitchen

2021-02-16T17:03:40-05:00Healthy Living, Meals, Snacks, Tips|

Can you recall when you last gave your fridge a good deep cleaning? There's something so freeing about a sparkling clean refrigerator. It is like having a clean car interior or sparkling windshield. As you're sifting through your old condiments and leftovers to toss them out, you may be realizing how much waste is going in the trash. We all deal with this, but I've [...]

29 11, 2020

Smoothie Revolution

2020-11-29T12:52:44-05:00Healthy Living, Solutions, Weight loss|

If you’ve been on Pinterest or Instagram for any amount of time, you’ve probably seen a decent number of green smoothie pictures floating around. Why is that? Because they’re so darn good for you! Green smoothies are a great way to get fiber, vitamins, and minerals – all served up in one glass that you can take on the go!   Smoothies are: Chock full [...]

20 08, 2013

Growing Herbs & Veggies on my Deck + 2 Easy Fresh Raw Recipes

2018-08-15T08:05:33-05:00Meals, Recipe Videos|

  Creating a container garden on our deck began with flowers for color and design. Then February 2008 I received my diagnosis of Stage IV cancer! Yikes, everything changed. My healing journey led me to understand the correlation between food and health. My choices in food and water were immediate and obvious: alkaline water and alkaline mostly raw foods. Then in the Spring of 2008 [...]

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