Red peppers

6 12, 2013

Fabulous Broccoli Red Pepper Salad

2018-08-15T08:05:31-05:00Alkaline, Cancer Prevention, Healthy Living, Meals|

As always, my health is foremost when creating recipes and menus. My research that led me to beat Stage IV cancer without Big Pharma made it plain and simple: eat alkaline mostly raw foods! Armed with education and clarity, the rest became easier. Both Bell Peppers and Broccoli rank very high on the on the alkaline list of  foods. I use them whenever I can. [...]

23 06, 2013

Festive Cauliflower Salad

2018-08-15T08:05:33-05:00Meals, Recipe Videos|

Please use the comment section below to share your thoughts and ideas. We LOVE hearing from you! In health and gratitude, Elaine & Nevin P.S. Before I forget, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and are serious about getting clarity and focus to create the life you desire and deserve, let's schedule a Find Your Focus 15 minute complimentary call. CLICK HERE and let's talk. P.P.S. [...]

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