Unlike chlorophyll most of us have heard of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are one of the current buzz words flying around in nutrition today, but what are they?

Digestive enzymes are simply proteins which make good digestion possible.

Life, much less digestion couldn’t exist without these enzymes. Without enzymes we would die and without enzymes we couldn’t digest, much less absorb the nutrients we need to be healthy and fight off disease. Our body produces approximately 24 different digestive enzymes, either in the saliva, stomach, pancreas or small intestine; however, they are limited and can be reduced over time due to aging and a poor diet.

Lack of Digestive Enzymes

Food can be a source of enzymes unless the food is heated to a temperature higher than 115 degrees. Heating foods above this temperature destroys their enzymes. Who knew the simple, loving gesture of cooking and preparing meals for you and your family eliminated the enzymes from your food? Who knew every processed food you ate was also void of enzymes?

Cooked foods and processed foods are also acid-forming. This prevents the body from achieving its’ ultimate goal of an optimum pH and oxygenated cells. This is what Renewed Living is all about.

A lack of enzymes also equates to a lack of proper digestion. What happens when you are deficient in enzymes and unable to digest food? When food is undigested the body has to find a way to deal with it. Putrefaction is one of the results. The rotting of undigested food leads to a toxic intestine and constipation.

There are many other health-related consequences related to an insufficient supply of enzymes.

They include, but are not limited to:
Acid-alkaline imbalance
Poor oxygenation of cells
• Chronic degenerative diseases
• Diarrhea
• Food allergies/sensitivities
• Gastrointestinal distress
• Indigestion
• Inflammation

Making sure you have enough enzymes seems to be an important step in avoiding many health complications.

Where Can You Find More Digestive Enzymes?

Because enzymes can be depleted from your body and destroyed by cooking the food you eat, you need to look for other sources. Living, raw foods, including green juices, are full of digestive enzymes.

Consuming living, raw food facilitates health, healing and proper digestion by:
• Supplying all of the enzymes you need for digesting uncooked food
• Allowing the body to use energy for healing instead of producing enzymes

Digestive enzymes also require vitamins and minerals in order to perform their job, making good nutrition a necessity. Choosing pure, unadulterated foods as the foundation of your diet will ensure these enzymes have an opportunity to function and provide you with the optimum results you’re looking for.

You will find several books on digestive enzymes along with a Permachart on Optimal Digestion here for your convenience.

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In health and gratitude,

Elaine & Nevin

P.S. Before I forget, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and are serious about getting clarity and focus to create the life you desire and deserve, let’s schedule a Find Your Focus 15 minute complimentary call.

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Loomis, Jr., Howard F., D.C., F.I.A.C.A. Enzymes: The Key to Health. Madison, WI: 21st Century Nutrition, 1999.