Have you ever felt bloated or just off? People tell me they feel yucky and don’t know why.

We are so busy today with everything we think we must get done, that we take care of everyone else but ourselves. Without giving is a second thought, we are eating without thinking and then going… Did I really just do that?

When our body feels off, it is speaking to us. The slightest moan can be a signal to pay attention. When we don’t, things can escalate and then, if we continue to ignore the whispers, they turn into screams… and possibly more.

Some people can eat what they want without worry — but for many others, certain foods can trigger reactions. Some of those reactions could be mild to the point where you might not associate them with what you’re eating, while others are more severe and could require medical attention.

What foods tend to be the root of common sensitivities? Take a look below and think about what you eat. If you’ve had any symptoms like diarrhea, rashes, headaches, bloating, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, acid reflux, a runny nose, skin flushing or acne after eating something, you might be sensitive to one of these foods or ingredients.

An excellent way find out about food sensitivities is by doing an elimination diet to see what’s causing it and getting guidance to sort things out.

1. Dairy

One common dairy sensitivity is known as lactose intolerance. Luckily it’s very simple to find dairy alternatives these days, so ditching dairy from your diet isn’t very difficult. Personally, I have been enjoying non dairy yogurts as a staple and love the way I feel.

2. Gluten

So many people are going gluten-free these days though the most important group that must are those with Celiac disease. Gluten is what the proteins in wheat, rye, triticale, and barley are called. Those with a wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity should avoid items with gluten.  Again, it’s so easy to find gluten-free items that you shouldn’t have a problem going gluten-free without missing out on anything. When seeking gluten free foods be careful of falling into a spiral of using a host of processed foods that are enticing. Often I watch people eating bags of gluten free chips or making gluten free recipes from processed options in a box. Experiment with whole food recipes that you will enjoy sand feel wonderful.

3. Caffeine

While caffeine is fine for most, some people are very sensitive to caffeine. You’ll know it if you react to consuming even just a small amount. Notice how you feel after you drink a cup of black coffee. Leave out the dairy and sugar, if you usually use it, so that you know you aren’t reacting to one of those ingredients.

4. Eggs

If you aren’t allergic to eggs but have trouble digesting them, you may have a sensitivity. If diarrhea and abdominal pain arise when you eat them, try avoiding eggs and see if your symptoms dissipate. The important thing is to be mindful of the foods you eat and your bodies reactions.


Histamine is the often associated with food sensitivities. For those with no problems, this chemical in your body works as it should for your immune, digestive, and nervous systems. If you have a sensitivity, though, it builds up in the body. Foods to avoid would be fermented foods, cured meat, citrus, aged cheese, smoked fish, vinegar, and avocados, to name a few.

Others may find aspartame, MSG, food coloring, yeast, and sugar alcohols to cause the symptoms that are consistent with food sensitivities. If you notice sensitivities when you eat, keep a journal, and start eliminating these common sensitivity-causing foods to feel better faster.

The best bet is to stick with organic whole foods that are in season  and ditching the processed, packaged foods as much as possible.

Do you think you have a sensitivity to any foods?

Hit reply and let me know, I may be able to help you figure out the answer.

In health and gratitude,

Elaine & Nevin

P.S. Before I forget, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and are ready to “Claim Your Extraordinary” it is time to book your FREE  Discovery Conversation.

CLICK HERE to Speak With Elaine.

P.P.S. If you have enjoyed this information and can think of someone that would be well served to receive the information, please share.