Have you ever felt exhausted at during assorted times of the day?
Have you just accepted it as the way it is?
Have you ever wanted to sneak off at 3 pm to catch a quick nap?
When your metabolism is healthy and running as it should, it burns off your calories and keeps you feeling vibrant. Exercise and plenty of sleep also help your metabolism function optimally, but did you know that certain foods you eat could be sabotaging your efforts?
These foods could be slowing down that burn you count on your metabolism for to keep things running optimally.
Be on the look out for these metabolism-busters
1. Refined grains
There’s a difference between whole grains that fuel your body and refined grains. Refined grains are stripped of that necessary fiber and nutrients your body needs. These grains are refined in the interest of taste and texture, but they leave your metabolism slower. You can bypass this issue by choosing whole grains that haven’t gone through the refining process. Keep a look out for, and eliminate, white flour, white bread, white rice, pastries, sodas, snacks, pasta, sweets, breakfast cereals and added sugars that are added to all sorts of processed foods. Begin by replacing white rice with quinoa, brown rice, wild rice or barley. For soups and cooked dishes add barley or wild rice.
2. Sugary drinks
Sugar is dangerous, especially in liquid form. Sodas, energy drinks, or even sports drinks can all drag your metabolism down. If you want to make sure your efforts at the gym aren’t wasted, stop drinking your calories. Staying hydrated is key to keeping your metabolism. Sound boring… add some fresh mint.
3. Processed vegetable oils
They might sound healthy with names like sunflower oil or soybean oil. But these processed vegetable oils, which include canola oil, have a way of fooling us . Choose coconut oil instead, which can speed up your metabolism to boot.
4. Artificial sweeteners
Perhaps the only thing worse than sugar itself is artificial sweeteners. You may think you’re making a healthier choice, but choosing sucrose, aspartame, and saccharin are all linked to health issues you certainly want to avoid. They can also mess with the good bacteria in your gut, which could hinder your weight loss efforts. Avoid artificial sweeteners — if you need to use a sweetener, use something natural such as stevia, pure maple syrup or raw honey. Be sure the quality of what you use is the highest.
5. Non-organic produce
Organic produce might cost more, but in the end, you’ll wind up spending less on healthcare by staying healthier. When you buy non-organic, you’re getting more pesticides which slow down the metabolism, not to mention cause high insulin levels and glucose intolerance. Organic produce is so readily available now that it isn’t much more expensive than conventional items. Take a look at the 2019 Clean Fifteen/Dirty Dozen list to see the items you should always buy organic, and the ones you can opt to buy conventionally.
6. Granola
It seems like a healthy choice, but the granola you find in your supermarket often contains hidden sugars and added ingredients that don’t do you any favors. When you take in more sugar than you realize, you can feel hungrier and your metabolism is slowing to a crawl. If you are like me and love granola, you can make your own by selecting fresh seeds, nuts, and oats to enjoy the taste and get true health benefits. If you love granola and are looking for a healthy alternative, I have found one that I love. Check out ProGranola and enjoy.
By knowing what foods might be sabotaging your metabolism in, you can begin to replace them healthier alternatives and better choices.
You are on your way to looking and feeling better from the inside out!
In health and gratitude,
Elaine & Nevin
P.S. Before I forget, if you are ever feeling overwhelmed and are ready to “Claim Your Extraordinary” it is time to book your FREE Discovery Conversation.
CLICK HERE to Speak With Elaine.
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