On the Go

25 08, 2015

(Video) How to be Healthy While You Enjoy the Outdoors

2018-08-15T08:05:26-05:00Alkaline, Blog Videos, Cancer Prevention, On the Go, Tips|

Sometimes, preparing for a relaxing day out of the house can actually be overwhelming. There is often so much to get ready and staying healthy on the go takes planning.   This is why we prepared this video for you. As I was fighting for my life and beating stage IV cancer without traditional protocols, I HAD to learn how to make good choices. I HAD [...]

17 09, 2013

4 Energy Filled Juices

2018-08-15T08:05:32-05:00Drinks, On the Go|

About 2 years ago I fell in love with hiking! More adventures for this city girl from New York. Nevin and I often go on what we call our "adventures". Nevin usually plans them so  more often than not, they include outdoor activities that are sometimes more difficult than I expect. Since we live in Virginia, right outside of Washington, DC, the Potomac River and [...]

30 07, 2013

Delicious Easy Alkaline Mushroom Wrap

2018-08-15T08:05:33-05:00Meals, On the Go, Snacks|

Elaine Gibson, coming to you from Renewed Living in our kitchen sitting room. I want to share with you a variation on a theme that I saw today at Cheesecake Factory. I was having lunch with a friend and she ordered lettuce wraps, and they substituted portobello mushrooms instead of chicken. So, I thought, oh my goodness, I cannot wait to get home and make [...]

14 03, 2012

Healthy & Raw On The Go!

2018-08-15T08:05:37-05:00Alkaline, Blog Videos, Healthy Living, Meals, On the Go, Snacks, Tips, Weight loss|

Healthy & Raw On The Go   ~   NY Trip 3/09/12 Hello, Elaine Gibson here, Renewed Living!  Listen, I’m just getting ready to go on a road trip for twenty four hours.  It’s Saturday, March 9th, and I’m heading up to New York City.  Tomorrow is Selection Sunday for the NCAA Tournament. I like to go up to the Studio; my son, Seth is a CBS [...]

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